Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cape Coast Part 2

It felt surreal, every moment of it, the walk up, the walk across and the walk back down through the rain forest. I couldn't help but sit in the trow trow, on the drive out of the countryside into the city, thinking nothing but I'm here, I'm in Ghana.
An hour later we arrived at the Cape Coast Castle. It was definitely an experience I will never forget. Personally, I didn't want to go. I didn't want to be seen as "the tourist" going to see the "sites" of Ghana because this was something that was not a site of Ghana rather a mark of the horrible things a human being can do to another human being.
The Castle was eerie. It was dark. It was uncomfortable. From the moment I walked in I felt this awful feeling that is too hard to put into words. All I could think was how could a human beings do this to other human being. I felt disgust the more of the stories I heard.
We walked through the door and the light vanished quickly. It was dark and the stone walls stood close together. The rooms where the men were kept were a quarter of the size of a volleyball court, made of stone with a very small trough around the room for bodily excretions. The room for the women much smaller and very dark. The stories we heard here of the women who would be taken by the soldiers and abuse, physically and sexually, left me in disgust. Then we were taken to a special room. This room was the smallest of them all, the door you had to duck to enter. There were scratches on the walls and floors and when everyone entered the door was shut over and we all stood in almost complete darkness. This room was were the men who fought, who resisted were put. They knew that if you were put in here you would die. I can't even describe the feelings.
Something that completely overwhelmed me about this whole tour was the door of no return. This was the door that the slaves knew once you walked through you were never to return again. When we walked outside we were told to turn around to see a new sign that was put up two years ago, The Door of Return. Our guide told us that two year ago the bodies of two former slaves were brought back through this door. My eyes watered as they were telling the story. This brought water to my eyes. The feeling I felt during this story, indescribable, it gave me a sense of hope? Is hope the correct word? I don't know but it was a powerful moment. The return of these two people stands as recognition for all those people who did not return. It shows that after this many years so right has been given to the people who had so much wrong done to them. So powerful.
There were many stories of the castle owners but I don't fancy telling them. The horrible things they did and for the only three graves in the castle to be a British owner, his wife and the Priest, it absolutely disgust me.
Well I'd love to write more but times up for today so stay tuned for Part 3..

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