Saturday, April 17, 2010

Holding onto the Reins of Life...

So it's true, I'm leaving in 17 days. I'm very overwhelmed but it's a good overwhelmed. I feel a good explanation is saddling up a wild horse, you hope for full control but you understand it is going to be a challenge and hold on for dear life. I feel this way because I've just returned from the final seminar before my departure. At the seminar I received my ticket, insurance and a envelope full of the support from my fellow Intercordians. Just tying up these final odds and ends with the program has made this experience so much more of a reality, not to mention the fact that I am rounding out the third year of my university career.

These past three years have been a rollercoaster to say the least. I have experienced many ups and many downs. I've hit spots in my life that I thought I would never hit. I've been in lows and I've been on highs. I've lost friends and gained friends. I've grew close to people and grew away from others. I've taken steps forwards and taken steps backwards.

This is an easy way to map out my life but something I've learned is that life is not about these highs and these lows. Life is about what you take from each moment, from living in the moment. Life is a gift and we should each take as much as we possibly can from it. Like my big Brother believes we should have, "No Regrets".

In terms this journey I'm about to embark on, of course I think about the people and places I will miss when I'm away. But I am trying to live in the moment and I signed myself up for this program for a reason, maybe it seems unclear sometimes, but a reason. This is something I am doing for myself that I hope can grow into more, touch more, and I just need to hold on for dear life right now because my journey is soon to begin.

Time is precious, don't waste a moment. Because that moment you waste could be the changing moment of your life.

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